Tag Archives: Religion

EDU 6989 Session 2: Religion in School

Religion and family values will always be a controversial topic.  The range of religious and cultural backgrounds students come from is huge.  They are personal morals that affect the way families carry out their lives.  There is bound to be conflict and that can be seen in regards to religion in school.  McConnell (1995) argues that students should have the right to worship and pray in school.  The First Amendment guarantees their right to practice religion in school and their freedom of religion has transformed to freedom from religion.  Gaylor (1995) says religious actions were never banned from the schools but rather not institutionally taught.  Religion is a private affair and all students have the right to hold their own values but forcing religion on students is not the correct method.  Neutrality is key so all students feel welcome and accepted.

Both authors bring up important concepts on this controversial topic.  I would side more with Gaylor’s argument of being accepting of all religions without tying them in to educational material.  When prayer becomes involved into public education, separation and conflict . “Religion is private, and schools are public, so it is appropriate that the two should not mix.  To introduce religion in our public schools builds walls between children who may not have been aware . . . “ (Gaylor, 1995)  We want to keep kids on the same level so everyone has a right to learn.  Accepting differences is crucial in schools so all feel welcome.  We still should be careful around family values of religion so not to divide our students based on their beliefs.


Gaylor, A. L. (1995). “The Case Against School Prayer.” The Freedom from Religious Education Inc.